Dr. Theresa Perez Internationalization Faculty Award

Dr. Theresa Perez graduated from Stanford University with her Ph.D in Curriculum and Teacher Education. In 1998, she was invited to teach at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte). At UNC Charlotte, she focused on issues of gender, equity, and internationalization in the classroom. Dr. Perez was a mentor to countless students, teachers, and professionals. She was always willing to give her time and counsel to students and community activists alike. Dr. Perez was also a strong advocate of immigrant and refugee students. She will be remembered most for opening the door to education for future generations and sacrificing for the benefit of her community. The Dr. Theresa Perez  Internationalization Faculty award is named in her honor.


  • The nominee must hold a full-time faculty appointment (tenure-seeking, tenured, or clinical) in the Cato College of Education at UNC Charlotte for at least four years.
  • The nominee must have regularly taught in the Cato College of Educationfor at least four years.
  • The nominee must be teaching during the academic year in which being nominated.
  • No faculty member will be eligible to receive the award more than once.

Cato College of Education faculty, administrators, staff, students, and alumni may make nominations.


Nomination materials include:

  1. Abbreviated vita (five (5) page limit), with focus on persistent and current internationalization activities.
  2. Personal statement: teaching philosophy connected to advocacy and/or internationalization; examples of advocacy and/or internationalization; and examples of student learning outcomes (limit 750 words).
  3. Three (3) artifacts of internationalization and/or advocacy efforts (e.g., course syllabi, curriculum development, student evaluations, letters from former students and community partners (2 maximum), research publication, etc…).
  4. Student evaluations (past three (3) years).
  5. Letter of Support .

Nominations must be submitted by March 1, 2025.