Ann Jolly

Ann Jolly
Ann C. Jolly is an Assistant Dean of the Cato College of Education and Clinical Assistant Professor at UNC Charlotte. Dr. Jolly’s research interests include understanding coaching behaviors, effective teacher preparation, and elementary literacy instruction. She teaches undergraduate and graduate elementary education and special education student teaching seminars and the Supervision of Student Teaching of Special Education for Doctoral Students. Prior to joining UNC Charlotte, Ann served as a special education teacher for 20 years and 10 years as an Exceptional Children Elementary Instructional Program Specialist and Program Manager for a large urban public-school district. Ann is a North Carolina State Improvement Project Reading Research to Classroom Practice Trainer and Dyslexia Delegate.
- Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Charlotte Special Education
- Add-on Licensure University of North Carolina at Wilmington School Administration
- M.Ed. University of North Carolina at Charlotte Special Education
- Graduate Certificate East Carolina University Assistive Technology
- B.S. East Carolina University Special Education
- State of North Carolina Principal Certificate Grades K-12
- State of North Carolina Teaching Certificate Elementary Education K-5; Special Education K-12