Internship/Student Teaching Requirements

All teacher candidates are required to complete a yearlong internship in their program’s final year, divided into two (or three for middle-grade undergraduates) semesters. The semester(s) before student teaching is known as the internship semester. During the internship semester, candidates actively attend, participate in, and establish connections within an assigned classroom while fulfilling coursework requirements. Even graduate candidates who are already employed will complete an internship semester, but they will complete the internship requirements in their current school. In the final semester of the yearlong internship, candidates will immerse themselves in full-time student teaching, showcasing their acquired skills and fulfilling both University and state licensure requirements.

Student Teaching Orientation

Orientation is a requirement for all student teachers during their student teaching semester. Please see the Student Teaching Handbook for additional information. Failure to attend mandatory orientation will impact your ability to complete your student teaching semester.

    Information about the Student Teaching Semester

    Student teaching is the capstone experience for students preparing for a career in teaching. Students spend a full semester (minimum of 16 weeks) full-time in the classroom of a master teacher (or his/her own classroom for teachers employed), assuming the teacher’s instructional and non-instructional duties while demonstrating the knowledge, skills, and dispositions acquired during course work on campus. Students also complete edTPA during the student teaching semester, which is a requirement for both program completion and licensure in North Carolina.

    • The cost of scoring edTPA is $300. Beginning with the fall 2022 term, a $300 edTPA fee will be assessed for all student teaching courses. The Cato College of Education will use fee funds to purchase edTPA vouchers for all student teachers that can be submitted with their final product to cover the cost of scoring. This process will allow students to pay for edTPA using financial aid rather than paying directly out of pocket and is designed to ease some of the immediate financial responsibilities associated with licensure exams.

    University Support for Student Teaching Candidates

    Student Teachers and Interns are assigned a University Supervisor who works with the clinical educators, school administrators, and student teacher to provide resources, coaching, observations using the Candidate Preservice Assessment for Student Teaching (CPAST), and other support for a successful and positive student teaching experience.

    Student Teaching Semester Resources

    Questions? Visit the Office of School & Community Partnerships, College of Education Building Suite 139, or call 704-687-8802